Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Beautiful Loch Ness Monument

          Beautiful Loch Ness Monument

A tranquil location that is open all year, offers stunning scenery and panoramic views around Loch Ness to the mountains beyond; with a back drop of woodlands, forestry and the most spectacular flora and fauna Donald, whose family have been on the farm on which the camp site has been built for generations, along with his wife Lyn, have an excellent knowledge of the area and its history. Donald and Lyn are assisted by their managers; Colette and Mark Tolley, who have worked on a Camping and Caravanning Club Site for the last 3 years. This friendly and informative team aim to make your visit to the site as enjoyable as possible. The site offers facilities to 5* standard, including under floor heating in Am Fasgadh; the Reception/Shop and amenity block, which includes home from home shower rooms, alongside all other amenities that would be  expected on a quality touring site, aspiring to meet the new VisitScotland 5* criteria. Donald and his team are determined to run a ‘green’ business, using innovative renewable energy, including wat r-to-water geo-thermal plus solar thermal, with the electricity provided by hydro power. Carbon management is also demonstrated through the choice of buildings, with energy efficient construction and low impact, locally sourced, materials. One of only a few places with easy access to the shore around Loch Ness, this site provides an opportunity to canoe, kayak or launch small boats, fish for trout and salmon or if prefer hire a boat and gillie locally.  The Great Glen Canoe Trail passes the site, which provides Trailblazer rest for canoeist and kayaks to stay overnight, get a hot shower and stock up on provisions. Fire pits and everything else you need for a BBQ on the shore or picnics are available at the site shop.

The most famous picture of Nessiteras Rhombopteryx, to give Nessie its full name, came from London gynecologist Robert Wilson. On April 19, 1934, Wilson reported seeing something on the water and took a snap: a long neck of the monster had just emerged from the ice-cold water. It later turned out that Wilson belonged to a team who had set out to play a trick on the media. Shortly before his death in 1993, Christian Spurling, one of the "conspirators", admitted his part in the great deception. According to the Sunday Times, Spurling, an amateur woodworker, had rigged up a dinosaur dummy on a toy submarine. The ruse worked perfectly.The spectacular flora and fauna, offers something for everyone with regular sighting of wildlife such as red squirrels, badgers, wild goats, otters, bats and deer and over 40 specifies of wild birds likely to visit the site and surrounding area.  Numbers confirmed by a RSPB survey in 2012, (once on site ask for a copy of the species list), approximately half of these birds fall into the rare (species of medium conservation concern) or in danger (species of high conservation) category.

Wildlife hides are available and walks, ranging from a short leisurely stroll to Foyers Pier, to a wide range of forestry paths in the vicinity, offer numerous options for everyone. There is also an opportunity to take part in a range of organised activities including walks, bird watching, geo-caching, plus archery and mini-bus tours of the wider area.




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I am Aarushi Mishra and I have started this website in January 2015 on Blogger.I started this website to provide latest information regarding monuments in the different parts of the world . is a blog that provide all informations of different monuments around the world .

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